Before & After Care

Before & After Care


  • Avoid non-steroidal anti-inflammatory/blood thinning medications, if possible for 1 week prior to treatment. Medications such as: Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Advil, Motrin, Aleve, Vitamin E, Fish Oil/Omega 3, Ginkgo Biloba or St. John's Wort. These medications may increase the risk of bruising.
  • Avoid alcohol for 24 hours prior to treatment. Alcohol may increase the risk of bruising.
  • If you have a history of cold sores and plan to do treatment around the mouth, let your provider know a few days prior to your appointment. They can prescribe medication to prevent an outbreak.
  • Avoid dental procedures for 2 week pre and post filler.
  • Be sure to eat and drink water prior to the appointment to decrease the chance of lightheadedness. 
  • May take Tylenol 1 hour prior to appointment to help with discomfort.
  • May take oral Arnica and/or Bromelain prior to treatment to decrease the chance of bruising and swelling.
  • You cannot receive treatment if you are pregnant/nursing. 
  • You are not a candidate for Botox if you have myasthenia gravis, a neuromuscular disorder or allergy to human albumin.


  • Swelling, redness, tenderness and bruising may occur post injections. These usually subside within a few days after the treatment, but can last up to 2 weeks.
  • A cold compress may be applied immediately after treatment, and for the first 24 hours to reduce swelling/soreness.
  • May take oral Arnica and/or Bromelain and eat pineapple to expedite the healing process.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking lots of water.
  • Sleep with your head elevated until swelling has subsided.
  • Take Tylenol for discomfort every 4-6 hours.
  • Make-up can be worn 24 hours after treatment. Sooner may increase the chance of infection.
  • Takes 2 weeks for full results to become apparent. So please be patient.
  • Studies have shown that having a follow up treatment before the product has fully dissipated will enhance the lasting effect. Consult your provider about recommendations for touch up or follow up treatments.


  • Significant movement or massaging of the treated area.
  • Drinking alcohol for 48 hours.
  • NSAIDs/Blood thinning medications such as: Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Advil, Motrin, Aleve, Vitamin E, Fish Oil/Omega 3, Ginkgo Biloba or St. John's Wort.
  • Strenuous exercise for 48 hours to prevent bruising or swelling.
  • Excessive sun or heat, including saunas or tanning beds for 72 hours.
  • Consuming excess salts to avoid swelling.
  • Dental procedures for 2 weeks.


  • Severe or increasing pain.
  • Rash in areas injected or not injected. These include: White blotchy discoloration, gray dusky appearance or reddish blotchy, mottled skin or blisters.
  • Fever or Chills
  • Diminished Vision


  • Avoid picking and manipulating the suture at the procedure site. This can cause more bruising, infection, the perforation of the suture through the surface of the skin or the disjunction of the suture to the skin and muscle.
  • Avoid direct heat such as laser treatment such as IPL or laser hair removal for at least a month.
  • Avoid baths and use showers for one week following your procedure.
  • Avoid excessive exercise/sport for one week following your procedure.
  • For blood clot type bruises (hematomas) you may apply cold compresses gently to the area.
  • Arnica or Vitamin K may be applied after a procedure for 5-7 days for bruising and swelling if needed.
  • There will be immediate visible results after treatment with suspensory threads, as well as the area feeling tighter. Over the first few days to weeks, the tight feeling will relax to some degree. 
  • Soreness almost always occurs after treatment. There may be a dull pain that typically goes away after a week or two. There will often be discomfort from chewing or any facial movement. Another kind of pain after PDO threads can be described as “twinges”, “zingers”, or “quick shocks”, this is completely normal, and is caused by the threads stimulating a nerve ending. This kind of pain gradually resolves within several weeks after thread placement. 
  • Recovery is generally quick, with most patients returning to work the next day. 
  • Asymmetry or puckering of the skin may occur and typically resolves with time. If it does not resolve after a week, please contact us.
  • You may take Tylenol for pain, especially at bedtime during the first few days.

    When to call: 
  • If you experience increased redness, fever or drainage from the thread site
  • If a thread begins to poke through the skin
  • Keep head elevated on several pillows for the first 3 nights after the procedure.
  • Avoid any direct pressure to the face and area where the sutures were placed for one week after the procedure (for example, sleeping face down, excessive chewing, talking, yawning, smiling and other facial movements during the week after your procedure.
  • You may wash your hair and face with very gentle upward and outward motions that lift the skin in the same directions as the sutures lift the skin.
  • Patient can remove KT tape after 24 hours. When removing KT tape, patients must remove carefully and in a bottom to top pulling direction. Moisten the area with a small amount of baby oil.
  • Banding may appear, which is normal and is nothing to be concerned about. Applying warm water compresses and time will resolve any banding issues.

PiXel8-RF Pre-Treatment Instructions: 

  • Reveal any medical conditions such as pregnancy, cold sore and fever blister tendencies, any type of allergy, recent facial peels or surgery, and all current medications (including both prescriptions and over-the-counter products) such as Accutane, tetracycline, hormone replacement therapy, or use of Retin-A.
  • The patient must quit taking Accutane for 6 months prior to having a PiXel8-RF micro-needling treatment 
  • DO NOT perform a PiXel8-RF Micro-needling treatment on a patient if he/she has an electronic implant (Insulin pump, pacemaker, LVAD, etc)
  • DO NOT use self-tanning lotions or tanning booths two weeks prior to your PiXel8- RF treatment. Do not sunbathe two weeks prior to your appointment.
  • DO NOT use any irritating skin care products such as Retin-A or OBAGI for one week prior to treatment. 
  • Avoid taking NSAIDs such as Advil, Motrin, Aleve, aspirin for 1 week prior to scheduled procedure. 
  • Areas of dental crowns, caps, braces, or other metal dental implants may be more sensitive to the treatment and the clinician may use gauze or a tongue depressor to isolate the area to make the treatment more comfortable.

PiXel8-RF Post Treatment Instructions:

  • A certain degree of discomfort, redness, and/or irritation during and after treatment is expected. If any discomfort or irritation persists more than 24-hours, please notify the treatment facility.
  • Tiny scabs (of less than 1 mm in diameter) may form 24-72 hours post treatment and may remain for several days. The scabs should not be touched or scratched (even if they itch) and should be allowed to shed naturally.
  • During the first two (2) days following treatment, care should be taken to prevent trauma to the treated site: avoid hot baths, massage, irritating skin care products or exfoliants, etc. The skin should be kept clean to avoid contamination or infection; any mechanical or thermal damage to the area must be avoided.
  • For burning sensation, spritz the treatment area with a diluted vinegar solution (1 tsp white vinegar per 8 ounces water)
  • It is important to keep your skin moisturized after the treatment.
  • You may have mild swelling for 1-3 days after your treatment. Patients may apply an ice pack (NOT direct ice) to the irritated area for 1-2 days in approximately 15- minute sessions 3-4 times per day. 
  • Redness for 1-3 days is common. After 12-hours post procedure, the patient may apply a hydrocortisone cream 3-4 times per day to reduce redness. 
  • Makeup can be applied 24 hours after treatment.
  • Avoid prolonged sun exposure or use of a tanning bed for at least two weeks after the treatment, as the skin that was treated will be more sensitive to the sun after your treatment.
  • Use a minimum of SPF 30 daily to protect your skin after your treatment.


  • Patients may experience burning sensation for 1-2 hours immediately after the treatment.Cooling with an ice pack can provide relief to the treated area. Make sure to enclose the ice pack in sterile and dry gauze to prevent water from penetrating the tissue in the treated area.
  • Keep the treatment area moisturized. After the first day, gently wash and pat the skin gently dry for two days. Do not scrub the treated area. Moisturize daily. Usually, any crust will separate naturally within 5-7 days after the treatment.
  • Please do not use cosmetics which contain active ingredients such as Retinol or AHA after treatment without prior permission from the doctor.
  • Avoid exercising for the first week post-treatment or until initial healing has occurred. Increased redness may result from any activity that increases blood flow or body temperature (e.g. alcohol consumption, exercise, and sauna).
  • Avoid using cosmetics containing alcohol for at least 1 week after treatment.
  • For at least 20 days after treatment, apply UV A/B sunblock daily with SPF of at least 30. Use an umbrella, hat or any other available protection against sunlight while spending time outdoors.
  • Please contact your doctor with any questions or concerns.

KYBELLA Pre-Instructions: 

  • You should not be pregnant, nursing an infant, have a history of a bleeding disorder or infection of the area to be treated. Also, you should tell our staff if you take any blood thinners or aspirin or have a history of any issue with lidocaine or epinephrine. 

KYBELLA Post Care Instructions: 

  • Ice packs may be used to the treated area during the first 12 hours – ice for 15 minutes on every hour 
  • Do not massage the injection site 
  • You may take Tylenol 200mg three times daily beginning the day of your treatment and for the following four days 
  • Avoid heavy exercise the day of your treatment 
  • Notify our staff if any significant swelling, bleeding, pain, dusky discoloration, difficulty swallowing or smiling, or fever occurs.


The VI Peel® contains a synergistic blend of powerful ingredients suitable for all skin types. VI Peel® will improve the tone, texture and clarity of the skin; reduce age spots, improve hyperpigmentation (including melasma), soften lines and wrinkles; clear acne skin conditions; reduce or eliminate acne scars; and stimulate the production of collagen, for firmer, more youthful skin.


  • Patients who are pregnant or who are breast feeding
  • Patients who have an aspirin, hydroquinone or phenol allergy
  • Patients who have used oral isotretinoin (Accutane) within the past 6 months
  • Patients who have active cold sores, warts, open wounds or history of herpes simplex
  • Patients who are undergoing chemotherapy and or radiation therapy within 6 months
  • Patients with a history of an autoimmune (i.e. Lupus) or liver disease/disorder as well as any condition that may weaken their immune system
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