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Kybella Fat Dissolver

Are you bothered by a double chin? Due to genetics, age, or weight gain, men and women carry excess weight also known as submental fat along the jawline. Much like how excess weight is held in other areas of the body such as the thighs and waistline, these stubborn areas are difficult to lose no matter how much you diet and exercise. If you’re looking to remove stubborn fat and reshape your chin profile without surgery, Kybella may be the solution you’re looking for. 

At SkinMD, we’re excited to offer Kybella which is a revolutionary, FDA-approved, injectable treatment specifically designed to eliminate submental fat and reshape your chin for a more defined and youthful appearance. As a nonsurgical solution to liposuction and facelifts, Kybella’s primary ingredient is Deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of fat cells. Once the fat cells are destroyed, the body gradually flushes them out through its excretory and lymphatic system. Fat cells are diminished and can not regenerate, leading to noticeable results within 4- 6 weeks that last a lifetime!

Skincare at SkinMD in Dearborn, MI

Benefits of Kybella:

Personalized Treatment: Our expert team at SkinMD will assess your needs and provide a customized treatment plan. The number of treatments may vary from patient to patient, depending on the severity of the target area.

Non-invasive and Quick: You can achieve the same results without general anesthesia and incisions. Administered in office by a trained Kybella specialist, each treatment consists of multiple small injections under the chin. The procedure is relatively quick, between 15-20 minutes making it convenient for those with busy schedules.

Minimal Pre-treatment: Surgical solutions require strict pre-treatment guidelines to prepare your body along with post-treatment to manage care and sensitivity. At most, with Kybella, it’s recommended to avoid foods high in sugar and sodium before treatment.

Minimal Post-treatment Downtime: Patients can expect some tenderness, swelling, and possible bruising, which usually subsides within a few days. It’s best to avoid vigorous physical activity for 48 hours, apply an ice pack for any discomfort and stay hydrated. While results last a lifetime, many see this as an opportunity for a fresh start so it’s best to incorporate or continue a healthy diet and exercise routine to maintain results and confidence. 

Skincare at SkinMD in Dearborn, MI

If you’re looking for a non-surgical, non-invasive treatment to eliminate a double chin, Kybella may be the solution. Kybella is an efficient treatment option with noticeable lifetime results within weeks with minimal downtime. You’ll have a fresh, more defined and youthful appearance and the confidence to match. If you're ready to take the next step, our expert team at SkinMD will provide a personalized, medically-guided experience. Contact us this week to schedule a consultation or appointment. Learn more about Kybella or any of our treatments at

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